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Hey Hey!! Welcome to Tainted (Zuluhed) ALL are welcome so long as you follow the rules and dont bring un-needed drama.

1. Yes we are on a pvp server BUT being a douch will NOT be tolerated. We DO NOT attack/gank members from Irrational, being it is our sister guild or Epitaph, being a freind guild on the alliance side..unless defending yourself. But, we do have a list of kill on site guilds


2. This guild is here to help each other. Trolling a fellow guild member will result in probation and/or guild kick/ban. On the same note, begging will also not be tolerated and will result in the same, probation and/or guild kick/ban.

3. Keep all personal arguments OUT of guild chat please, if  what ever the issue is becomes out of hand and the GM or Officer needs to step in then it will also be done privately.

4. If the GM or an Officer ask you to stop doing something or is trying to defuse a NOT make it worse, show respect even if you might not agree and if all else bring it to MightyMak, your GM,  lilRedWolfie, or Xoots, your Co-GM's to work threw. Disrespect to an Officer or the GM will result in probation or guild kick/ban

5. We may not be a hard core raid guild but during raids all none raid related chatter will be done in another channle so not to disturbe raid. 


6. This is a, and have fun damit...or Wolfie will release the toddlers!!!!

Please check Calendar for events and also feel free to request/add ideas for fun guild events/activities.

If you have ANY questions or concerns please direct them to MightyMak, lilRedWolfie, Xoots or an on-line Officer.

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